An invitation to geometric higher categories (external link)
Fast and mathematically self-contained introduction to basic ideas in diagrammatic higher category theory, written up as an article for the n-Category Café.
Building typeful databases at TypeDB.
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Fast and mathematically self-contained introduction to basic ideas in diagrammatic higher category theory, written up as an article for the n-Category Café.
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This short note takes a birds-eye perspective on motivations for working as a researcher in mathematics and physics (which are first and foremost motivations personal to me, but I think they may be shared with many others). I briefly round up some (glimmers of) potentially interesting projects that I find fascinating. The note is written on the occasion on moving on to other endeavors. → read note
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Mazur manifolds are intimately related to homology spheres, and are part of the puzzling world of 4-manifolds. Here we construct the simplest example of a Mazur manifold as a tangle diagram. → read note
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We allow ourselves to speculate a bit about how the 1-dimensional logical constructs that one frequently encounters in practical approaches to mathematical foundations may in fact emerge from a set of “more fundamental” principles of compositionality in higher-dimensional logic. → read note
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In this (exceedingly brief) note, we discuss computability questions in the context of manifold theory. The main observation is that several computabilty issues in classical “set-point (differential) topological” foundations may potentially be overcome when working with manifolds from the higher-categorical perspective of manifold diagrams and tangles. → read note